GIVEAWAY!!! Mornings, Nights or Whenever With Smile Brilliants’ At Home Teeth Whitening Kit

GIVEAWAY!!! Mornings, Nights or Whenever With Smile Brilliants’ At Home Teeth Whitening Kit

I was 9 years old and on a family vacation to the most magical place on earth. Yup, you guessed it, Disney World. On the 2nd day there I was swimming in one of the pools on the resort and within a matter of seconds jumped in the pool, hit my face on the bottom [...]

Camel Colored

Camel Colored

Basic; only interested in things mainstream, popular, and trending, as defined by the ever so clever “Urban Dictionary”. But let’s for the sake of this post use the definition from a more, oh I don’t know refined source like the Merriam-Webster dictionary: Ba·sic /‘bāsik/ adjective: forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental. By that [...]